Perpetual’s 2022 Australian Philanthropy Insights Report

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Data-driven insights from Perpetual’s IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program

Every year, through Perpetual’s IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program (IPAP), we invite applications from NFPs across Australia seeking funding. In FY22, we committed to distribute $34 million to those NFPs through this process.

The program also yielded a rich return in data, drawing on nearly 1400 applications from around 1000 organisations.

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So what did that data tell us? You can find out everything by downloading the report itself. But here are some key points. 

  • The social, financial, health and mental health damage wrought by Covid, lockdowns and other restrictions has increased the workload and stresses on the community sector. 
  • Funding to regionally based organisations and programs increased in FY22. In particular, funding for mental health rose nearly eightfold. That’s a welcome trend given the toll Covid and natural disasters have taken on regional areas. As more people shift to the regions, continuing philanthropic support for those geographies will be vital.
“For the community sector, 2023 will be about rebuilding post-Covid. The sector faces rapidly changing community needs and a tougher financial environment. The people who work in Australia’s NFPs are resilient and adaptable but it’s so important that philanthropists step up and invest strategically to support them.” 
Jane Magor, National Manager of Philanthropy, Perpetual Private


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More information on IPAP

You can find more about applying for funding through Perpetual’s IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program in this article. It features resources designed to help organisations apply more successfully.

Interested in philanthropy?

Are you thinking about setting up your own philanthropic structure? Do you need access to great projects and organisations to support? Contact our philanthropy team by filling in the form below.

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